Moisturizing can sometimes be an overused term when it comes to your hair and, an even more wrongly implemented process. Learn the most effective ways of making sure your strands truly benefit from the cremes, oils, and time spent in your plastic cap.
Here are some of the most effective methods:
Here's where you can get creative. Pre Poo is the process in which you prep your hair BEFORE actually shampooing in order to ensure your shampoo of choice doesn't strip your hair of its' natural moisture and oils. You can use an oil of choice, aloe vera, or even some of your favorite foods. Some of the popular oil options being coconut, grapeseed, or almond oil. Natural aloe vera can be a great option as well which you can find in the plant itself or in a bottle at the store. Many naturalistas will get creative and concoct their favorite DIY hair mask that may contain anything from mayonnaise, avocado, and other staples found right in your kitchen cabinet. It helps greatly with detangling before shampooing.
Some of our favorite Pre Poo Options include:
Aloe Vera
Coconut, Castor, Almond, or Olive Oil
Kitchen Finds- Play around with mixes that can contain, honey, avocados, bananas, yogurt
Throw on a plastic cap for added benefit!
Deep Conditioning DOES NOT need to be an all day process, but it is VERY important. Anything longer than about 35-45 minutes, is basically pointless and might cause more harm than good. Deep conditioning treatments keep your strands hydrated and moisturized to make sure your hair stays manageable, soft, and less susceptible to breakage and frizz. Make sure to not apply your conditioner to your scalp as this can lead to scalp buildup which can block follicles, thus slowing down hair growth. To maximize your session, make sure to use heat (either hooded dryer or steamer works great) and a plastic cap.
Here are some most frequently asked questions about deep conditioning.
How long should I deep condition?
You only need to apply a deep conditioner for about 20-30 minutes for it to work effectively. After about 30 minutes, if the conditioner has not done it's job, then it won't. You CAN over condition leaving your hair weak and soggy.
How often should I deep condition?
Depends on your hair's needs. Many choose between every week to every quarter at the least. It really depends on your preference, the stress your hair is under, and your hair's texture. Very coily textures tend to need a little more tender, loving, moisture.
What should I look for in a deep conditioner?
Remember that WATER is still the main source for moisture for all things, so look for a water based conditioner. Water should be one of the first ingredients and the next 5-6 ingredients have the biggest impact on hair.
If you are looking for added strength in your hair, look for a conditioner that is also protein based. For the healthiest of hair, it is best to find a good balance between moisture and protein. This can be done by alternating between protein based treatments and moisture based.
What are the some other tips for deep conditioning my hair?
*Research has shown that warm conditioner tends to absorb into the hair follicle much easier and faster. Try making your conditioner warm by placing bottle in a bowl of hot water for 7-10 minutes before applying or mixing hot water in with your conditioner.
*Start at the ends for the best benefit. The ends are usually the most fragile and prone to breaking sooner than at the root, so start there and work your way up. Just as in detangling or combing your hair.
* Heat is not only great for the conditioner itself but once the treatment is applied, you want apply added heat to help with the uptake and the hair's responsiveness to the treatment. Best option is to cover with a plastic baggy and either sit under a hooded dryer or steamer for 20-30 minutes.

The LOC Method is a great routine to follow once hair is washed and you go on to begin styling.
What does L.O.C. mean?
Put simply... it is the layering of different products in a specific order to achieve maximum moisture retention.
Step 1: Leave In Conditioner- Apply your liquid leave in conditioner (usually a spray) to cleansed hair as a base. A water based conditioner should help with moisture.. remember water is moisture:)
Step 2: Apply oil to lock in the moisture from the leave in. Again, choose an oil that works best for you and your texture.
Step 3: Apply your cream of choice that will help seal the oil and the leave-in into the hair. This cream can be nice smelling, soft and buttery cream that will help sculpt your desired style.